Dear Yngling Sailors, dear Yngling Community!

It is with great regret, that we have to inform you, that the Organizing Authority of the Yngling OWC 2020 had to decide to cancel the event, already paid entry fees will be refunded.
The Yachtclub Berlin-Grünau e.V. is still looking forward to welcome you to a major event in the near future with lower pandemic restrictions.

Please find below the mail conversation to all involved National class organizations distributed yesterday.

Liebe Yngling Segler, liebe Yngling Gemeinschaft!

Mit großem Bedauern müssen wir Euch darüber informieren, dass die Organisatoren der Yngling WM 2020 sich entscheiden mussten die Veranstaltung abzusagen, bereits gezahlte Meldegelder werden rücküberwiesen. 
Der Yachtclub Berlin-Grünau e.V. freut sich weiterhin darauf, Euch in naher Zukunft mit geringeren Pandemiebeschränkungen zu einem Großereignis begrüßen zu dürfen.

Weiter unten könnt Ihr die Mail finden, die gestern an alle betroffenen nationalen Klassenvereinigungen verschickt wurde.

Dear all,

We hope this mail finds you well and healthy. The Yacht Club Berlin Grünau (YCBG) has informed us, that they cannot host the Worlds in July 2020. The restrictions imposed by the german government and the City of Berlin are so strict, that it makes it impossible to hold the event. 

The IYA ExCo accepts and understands their decision, thus the Worlds 2020 are cancelled.

We would like to thank the YCBG and Yngling Germany, who have put a lot of time and effort into organising this event to date. It is disappointing for all, especially for all of us who were looking forward to this event. 

Looking forward, we are planning now with YCBG to extend their „Nebelpokal“ (fog trophy) to an international Yngling event from Oct. 2 – 4, 2020. Details will follow. About the Worlds 2021 and 2022, and the way how we want to hold our AGM 2020, we will inform before June 21.

Stay safe and let’s hope we can all get back to sailing soon!


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